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Everett Dental Clinic’s 3 Tips for Keeping Your Teeth Nice and Clean During the Holidays

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Everett Dental Clinic’s 3 Tips for Keeping Your Teeth Nice and Clean During the Holidays

Posted on Dec 30 2022

 The holidays can be a hectic and chaotic time of year, but while the hustle and bustle can make it seem like there isn’t enough time in the day to focus on your oral health, it is important to maintain good habits when it comes to your teeth. Here are three tips for keeping your teeth nice and clean during the holidays:

Tip 1: Improve Your Diet

Sugary treats, sweet snacks and fatty foods can wreak havoc on your teeth during the holidays. Instead of indulging in these holiday treats, try to focus on eating nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats and whole grains. Avoid snacking on foods with added sugar and processed starches, like chips and crackers, and replace them with healthy, crunchy snacks such as carrots, celery and nuts. Even when travelling during the holidays, it is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, for at least two minutes each time. Plaque and bacteria can accumulate quickly, so to prevent any dental problems from developing over the holidays, it’s important to brush regularly.

Tip 2: Maintain a Regular Brushing and Flossing Schedule

No matter how busy you are during the holidays, it is important to keep up a regular brushing and flossing routine. Brush at least twice a day and floss at least once a day to help reduce the buildup of plaque and tartar on your teeth. Additionally, make sure you use a toothpaste that contains fluoride, as fluoride helps strengthen your teeth and protect them from decay. Holiday parties and get-togethers typically involve more sugar than usual, but it’s important to limit how much sugar you’re consuming. Too much sugar can damage teeth and cause tooth decay. If possible, switch to sugar-free drinks and snacks as much as possible throughout the holidays.

Tip 3: Visit Your Dentist Regularly

Even if you are following proper brushing and flossing habits, regular visits to your dentist are essential in order to keep your teeth and gums healthy. During your appointments, your dentist will be able to check for any signs of decay, such as cavities or infection. He or she will also be able to perform a deep cleaning, which can help prevent problems from developing. It’s also important to stay up-to-date with regular dental checkups throughout the season. Visiting the dentist twice a year allows them to examine your teeth and gums and spot any potential problems. Not only will this ensure your teeth are in good health, but it will also give you peace of mind and prevent any future issues from arising.

By following these three tips, you can ensure that your teeth stay healthy throughout the holidays. Eating a healthy diet, maintaining good brushing and flossing habits and scheduling regular visits to your dentist are all key steps in keeping your teeth nice and clean. Don’t forget to enjoy the holidays, but also make sure to care for your teeth in order to ensure a healthy mouth.