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Summer Dental Care Tips: Keeping Your Child's Smile Bright and Healthy

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Summer Dental Care Tips: Keeping Your Child's Smile Bright and Healthy

Posted on Jun 11 2023

 Hey folks! Dr. Nguyen from Everett Dental Clinic here.

    As the school bell rings one last time and the summer season begins, children are filled with anticipation of the endless fun and adventure that awaits. While this season offers an abundance of joys, it also brings unique challenges when it comes to maintaining your child's oral health. From an increase in sugary treats to changes in routine, these summer months call for a heightened focus on dental care. So, let's delve into some effective summer dental care tips to keep your little one's smile gleaming.

Tip 1: Maintain a Consistent Oral Care Routine

Just because school is out doesn't mean your child's daily routines should go on vacation too. Make sure they brush their teeth at least twice a day and floss once daily. Make brushing fun by allowing your child to choose a toothbrush with their favorite character or a toothpaste in a flavor they love. Use a timer or a catchy song to ensure they brush for the full two minutes recommended by dentists.

Tip 2: Limit Sugary Drinks and Snacks

Summertime often leads to a spike in the consumption of sugary drinks like lemonade, iced tea, and soda. Coupled with an increase in ice cream and other sugary treats, this can put children at a higher risk of cavities. Try to limit these treats and instead encourage your child to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and dairy products.

Tip 3: Make Dental Hygiene Fun

Turn dental care into a game or challenge to make it more enjoyable for your child. Reward systems can work wonders in encouraging good oral hygiene. A chart where your child can place stickers for every day they brush and floss can be a fun visual reminder.

Tip 4: Protect Those Teeth During Activities

If your child is involved in summer sports or activities, ensure they wear a mouthguard to protect their teeth from accidental injury. You can get custom-made mouthguards from your dentist, or purchase an over-the-counter one that can be molded to fit your child's mouth.

Tip 5: Schedule a Dental Checkup

Begin the summer season with a dental checkup. Regular dental visits allow the dentist to detect any potential issues early and can give you advice tailored to your child's specific needs. Plus, a professional cleaning can help remove any plaque build-up, keeping your child's teeth healthy and shiny.

Tip 6: Encourage Healthy Snacking

Snacks like apples, carrots, and celery can naturally clean your child's teeth. Dairy products like cheese and yogurt are also great for dental health as they contain calcium, which helps strengthen teeth. So, fill your pantry and refrigerator with these teeth-friendly snacks!

Tip 7: Stay Hydrated

Drinking water regularly helps wash away food particles and keeps your child's mouth moist. This is particularly important during the summer months when we tend to be more active and need extra hydration.

In Conclusion

The summer season is a perfect time to focus on teaching your child about the importance of good oral health habits. By following these tips, not only will your child have a fun-filled summer, but also a healthy, radiant smile to show for it. So here's to a summer of sunshine, smiles, and excellent dental health!